Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So I'm not the only one...

who wants to work less in-office:



A+ said...

My dad worked 4 10-hour days when I was a kid. I never saw him Monday-Thursday. I think it should be an option--I don't like that they made it mandatory. It's not a good thing for young families. Most daycares won't give a discount for 4 days a week vs. 5 days... and leaving the house before your kid gets up and coming home when it's almost bedtime for them can be stressful.

D had the option for the summer since the university offers no summer courses, but he turned it down. I can't say I'd enjoy 10 hour days... 8 hour days seem long enough!!

(sorry for my long response--people here at work have been pushing for this schedule)

girlwednesday said...

LOL it's okay to put in a long response!

I guess I should have prefaced my post--I don't want to work 4, 10 hour days. I'd MUCH rather work 4 days in the office, with 1 day working at home...or 3 in, 2 out, etc. I get a lot more done at home than I do at the office!

In my field, it's VERY common for the NY offices to have Fridays off in the summer. Certain departments here don't get much done on Fridays, because a lot of their work is dependent on those in NY. It's not even the same company--just that we do a lot of business with companies in NY.

LOL I still don't know what your DH does, so I don't know if that option would have been a good thing or a bad thing!

I fancy mars said...

My brother has been working 4/10's lately (in Mich). He just started - it's a way to deal with the gas price issue and it works out pretty well for them.

To be honest, I'd LOVE to work 4/10's. I'd rather have 4 long days and an extra day off, because I can deal with an extra 2 hours. It's just not possible when you work in media, and it doesn't make sense if you work in a place where everyone takes public transportation (except for the highly-paid execs that drive in from Jersey).

girlwednesday said...

Oh God, if there only was normal public transportation to my job from where I lived. I'd have to leave 2 hours before I needed to be at work in order to do it--with the transfers and all of that. And it would involve me back-tracking, too. Makes no sense.

illinigirl said...

I do 10-11 hours each day *anyways* so obviously, I'd be a fan of this!

Flexing is not an option for me right now. . . but generally my managers are pretty good about letting me leave a few hours early if I need to catch a flight or head off on a weekend. . . or if I have visitors in town.