And it's only Thursday. A few things to note:
1. I gained 2 lbs in a few days. Apparently that's what happens when you eat a TON of junk in a short time period. *roll eyes* I know this because my mom gave me a digital scale that she no longer wanted. Scales can drive you nuts! Part of me is glad that I now have one, and can keep VERY close tabs on my weight loss.
2. Annotated bibliography. Completed, printed, submitted. Now to start the "meat and potatoes" of the paper.
3. I have to work tomorrow, even though most people have it off. Not such a Good Friday, ha.
4. I broke my personal code of ethics and went to Facebook at work. I'm such a punk.
5. Tonight, DH and I are going to a laundromat because we are SICK and TIRED of our crazy laundry room at the condo complex. We are going out to eat too, so bonus!
6. My hair. I know you were waiting on that. I am going strong with the BS and ACV, and have started washing every other day. My hair looks BEST when I don't blow dry it (strange, I know) and it looks pretty good on the 2nd day of no washing. So going "no poo" can/does work! I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to do this.
7. Confession time. I have the fever. Most of you ladies should know what this means ;-) And those of you having babies now are NOT helping!!! LOL At least none of you live close by...or maybe that would help cool me off. Anyway, that's not going to happen because 1) DH needs a job (yes, still...and yes, I know it's been over a year) and 2) I have strict instructions from my endocrinologist NOT to even THINK about a baby until I'm healthier. So that's that. If anything, I'm more motivated to get into better shape.
Here's a pretty flower for y'all...almost time to go home!
scales are bad.
just kidding, i know they say it's better if you weigh yourself every day or every few days but that just depresses me (and most normal people).
I know, I know...but, I have a lot of weight to lose, so I need to see the proof that eating crap for two days can/will make a negative difference! And conversely, when I eat well for a few days, there's a positive difference!
I had a feelin' about the feva ;)
It's all good though!!!
I think I want another in a year........
HAHAHAHAHAHA You found me out!!!!
It's true. I told DH the other night and he just sighed. And then, later that night at the diner, we were seated next to a little boy, probably around a year old, who had a crush on me and kept staring/saying hi. LOL
My mom got PG with my brother when I was just over a year, and we're 23 months apart...that's a good age gap ;-)
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