Friday, June 13, 2008

I want to do something to my house...

Only I don't own it...just rent. Ugh. I thought the flowers would be enough. I want to decorate! Do something! New furniture! Anything! Grrr.

Speaking of the flowers, I think I need to transplant/move around some of them. My petunias are TAKING OFF and I think they need bigger pots. Some of my impatiens died (boo) so I can transplant the petunias out of the window boxes into those pots. Money saved, woot! Did I mention that the window boxes are not IN windows? They are on our deck railing--but my parents do the same thing at their house.

And my tomatoes! Holy Moses, are they tall. I might have some actual fruit by the time this salmonella thing is over. They suck up so much water, and I need to stake them this weekend.

And there's so much stuff I haven't opened/used that I received at my shower (a year ago on the 23rd!) and from the wedding. *sigh* Where to put it all? When to use it?

I have been toying with the idea of moving around the living room furniture...hehe. It's a small room though, and our furniture is "making do" because it doesn't really fit in it correctly. Ugh. I also want to re-organize DH's closet but he'd probably kill me. Very possessive of his messiness, that man is. LOL And his dresser and desk! Hoooo boy. Won't go there.

Will this help me scratch my domesticity itch? Probably not...


A+ said...

We had wedding gifts we didn't open until 1 year or 18 months later... and a few we never used until we moved into this place, 3.5 years after our wedding!!

girlwednesday said...

Phew! OK then, glad it's not just me. A friend from HS came over a few weeks ago and saw the unopened boxes and was like "That's stuff you haven't used yet?!?!?"

I don't know if it was jealousy or just amazement or what--she didn't have a big wedding, no shower, etc.

illinigirl said...

So jealous! I wanted to grow tomatoes, but I was too late in the game so now I have to wait until the Fall. . . BUT seeing as I'm out of town so often, they'd probably die anyways!