Speaking of the tomatoes...this was copied and pasted from an email.
I got a letter yesterday (well, not me, it was in the name of a previous tenant, good thing I opened it) saying that we were in violation b/c of our tomato plants.
Seriously people!? There are worse things going on in the world than that!!!!! I almost cried when I read the letter (I blame PMS, ha) b/c I was like, dude, come on, this is NOT that big of a deal. I'm taking them to my mom's--good thing she has a lot of sun in her yard, also has a veg. garden so won't mind watering mine, and that she lives close by. IDK what I'd do if I didn't have somewhere to foster them...the plants already have flowers on them! They'll be giving me tomatoes in a few weeks.
Just lame, yo. I checked our booklet that the LL gave us when we moved in, I can't find anything in there about vegetables. My dad said that it could be b/c of animals--trying to keep them away from the house. Grrr.
Then, an update. Also C&P.
The LL got CC'd on the notice, and he called after I wrote you that email. He told me NOT to worry about it, that he's grieving with the condo board (since that rule is not in anything he has), and he said that if they weren't in pots for me to go out and buy some and take it off of the rent! (Luckily for him, they're in pots already). He also told me to put them on the back deck and there shouldn't be a problem. He thinks he knows who complained and he said "there are some really wacko/weird people there...and there are some people who like to be pains in the asses, who have nothing better to do." LOL Oh and he said that when he lived there for a year (right before we moved in) he and his wife had tomato plants too, but on the back porch and no one complained.
I hope that when I get old, if I have nothing better to do than complain about other peoples shit, someone puts me out of my misery!
AND THEN this happened...
OMG I just snapped at one of my coworkers. He came up to me, bitching and whining about how the health insurance premiums went up like 20%...so I said, rather chilly, sorry I'm dealing with a bigger issue, my husband still hasn't found a job, so I've been covering him on my insurance for awhile, and that increased my costs.
What I REALLY wanted to say was, "maybe your wife should go back to work and not be a SAHM...you guys CHOSE to be parents...my husband didn't choose to lose his job."
I feel bad that I kinda blew up at him, but jeez...you picked the wrong person to vent to about rising costs. I almost started crying when I was talking to him.
Hey, everyone is allowed to be emotional from time to time. I can only imagine the stress of your husband being out of work for as long as he has. Anything new on the interview front?
Hang in there... when you get past it all and you look back, you'll be able to see how strong you were (are). :)
I know, I know...things could be a LOT worse for us, too. There are tons of couples/families/people in more dire straits.
Just caught me at a bad moment, I guess.
Nope, no developments on the interview front.
Seriously. I sometimes wonder how people have so much free time that they can actually sit down and write dumb letters about things.
Thank goodness your landlord is cool.
Hang in there, girl. We all get a turn to be cranky. My turn. . . was last week!
LOL Yeah, yesterday was my cranky day. For sure!
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