So I better do one now.
The picture on this entry was taken by yours truly. These are leis that we got in Hawaii at our first hotel. Mine was beautiful and smelled so delicious...but it DIED. DH's came home with us and is sitting on our bookcase. It's made out of a nut. I forgot which one. So yes, we have our honeymoon pics finally and they are in an album and all of that. To those of you whom I love, I'll email you the shutterfly link when I get a free moment.
I'm kinda ehh right now. We're not going to Philly next month--we're going in September, around our anniversary. I'm slightly disappointed, but DH and I didn't talk about where we'd be getting the $$ from (I assumed it would come from his settlement account) so we need some time to save up some more.
I'm still taking the days off next month that I requested--we'll just do some things locally instead. I need a break.
I'm mostly ehh b/c I make a fairly decent salary and DH brings in OK money through his settlement checks (which we're using to boost our income now that he's not working) but it just doesn't seem like enough at times. We're paying our bills (and we have NO debt, so it's like, WTF?) and staying alive, but there's no room for too much fun. I know people have done it on less...maybe it's b/c they were doing it when gas was only $2.50/gal instead of $4.29???? Maybe they put lot of stuff on credit cards, whereas we don't? I do play the "comparison" game at times, which is bad, I know, but it sucks when there are things you want to do but you can't. Anyway.
DH thinks I want too much some times, and maybe I do. I just thought that when you were an "adult" you'd get to do a lot of fun things...especially now that I'm making the most I've ever made before. I think it'll get better when he gets a job, since it'll be more than he gets from his other income, and a LOT more than he gets from unemployment! We can then save, which is something we haven't done since before he got laid off.
I do have good news on the job front--he heard from someone with whom he has connections (in the dept that's a division of state govt.) that they just received all of the resumes that were submitted for the openings, so HOPEFULLY he'll get a call soon re: an interview!!!! Please--say a prayer, cross your fingers, wish on a star, anything.
I've got everything crossed for you guys!!
Good luck to DH!
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