Friday, September 19, 2008

more health news

The other day, DH and I almost had a little scare. No, not THAT kind. ;-) But related.

I almost had to stop taking the pill.

Please, no flames. DH and I are soooo not ready to be parents (for many reasons) so we think that's doing the "right" thing...and not leaving things up to chance. Because, chances are (haha) we'd be even more screwed than we are right now, and that's not fair to a helpless, delicate little baby. (although I did see a HS classmate's new baby's pics on facebook tonight and wanted to CRY, he was so beautiful)


My blood pressure was being monitored for about 6 weeks now and I had made some SERIOUS changes to my diet. My Dr. had called me a few days ago and wasn't 100% pleased with how my BP was registering (although it was going down) and was suggesting that I go off of the of course, I freaked. DH freaked.

It was like, here I am, doing the right thing...I weaned off of the meds for depression/anxiety (and am doing REALLY well, btw, surprisingly), I went back on the food plan I was supposed to be following...and it wasn't enough.

So DH and I looked at what I was doing and what I still could be doing. I started drinking a small glass of red wine every night. I cut back on the caffeine. I planned to start back at the gym, every other day, to do some cardio...

Fortunately, when I called the Dr. to follow up on the voice mail she'd left me the other day, the receptionist asked me if I wanted to come in today, instead of in a few weeks.

I went this morning, very nervous, expecting her to tell me to get off the pill RIGHT NOW.

Well. Looks like my hard work is starting to pay off.

I'm down 8lbs by her scale (I'm averaging about a pound a week) and my BP was VERY good, even sitting right there in her office. She was so happy to hear what I had done (and my new plans after her phone call) and she's so pleased with my progress. I can stay on the pill and, I even got a HUG at the end of the appointment!

I have never been hugged by a doctor before. It's SO nice to have a human touch in the medical field. She truly cares about my well-being.

Now, to lose the rest of the weight...but I'll keep on keepin' on. That's why I started going back to the gym. Plus, it'll help me all-around.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I would definitely not go off the pill if you can help it. I'm the poster child for getting pregnant right away by going off it. We actually were naive enough to think that because we "are older" it wouldn't happen right away either. Ha!!!! (Not that I am complaining but we are more emotionally/financially ready for a child at this point in our lives). Maybe there are some non-hormonal forms of BC you can consider if you end up having to go off.

girlwednesday said...

Heh, same thing happened to friends of mine. She didn't think it'd happen right away either, because some people DO have to wait a few cycles for their body to readjust. Nope! They were pregnant within 6 weeks. And that baby arrived a little over a month before their 1st anniversary (which I cannot imagine if it had happened to us).

I was starting to look into an IUD actually, because that's as close to sterilization as you can get w/out it being permanent. ;-)

illinigirl said...

Good work! I'm so happy to hear you are doing so well! :)

girlwednesday said...
