Tuesday, September 29, 2009

house and something else

We got the commitment letter from the bank, got a REALLY good interest rate (below 5%) and no points...

There's something else that's been going on and I haven't mentioned it. I think it's because I've been so tied up with the house. I have talked about it before, just not in a long time.

I finally did it. I lost weight and kept it off. I stayed ON the wagon. I lost about 20 lbs in 3 months! I'm down one size (pants & shirts). I have much more to go (probably like 80 more lbs--yes, I'm a bigger lady), but this was a huge start for me.

How did I do it? You're probably wondering, and so have a lot of people.

Nothing magic. No pills, no drinks, no surgeries.

I counted calories and did a little exercise (which has since tapered off to nothing). I started by writing down what I was eating, and figuring out how many calories was in each food item. Lots of measuring, looking things up online or in this little calorie booklet I had. I also had the assistance of a food scale that also contained caloric information. I still ate almost whatever I wanted, I just measured out my portions and recorded it. I tried to keep my caloric intake to between 1500 and 1800 calories.

My doctor is thrilled and so am I! Especially with the smaller pair of jeans I recently treated myself with!


kcjayhawk said...

yeah for you-that's great!

illinigirl said...

Yay! Congrats!!! :)

A+ said...

Congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like you were doing what I did--I used SparkPeople.com to track all my calories and meals (still do, actually, to make sure I am getting all my nutrients with these allergies!).

girlwednesday said...

Thanks everyone!

A--yes, I do use SparkPeople to track my weight and measurements, but I don't use it for food. I don't like it for some reason, lol. For the food, it's me and my lil ol' notebook!