I have no freaking clue what to get my mom. Srsly. This bites. I go through this every year.
Everything she wants, she gets herself. She doesn't really "do" anything. She's not a huge jewelry person, nor do I have the money, ha. She doesn't read a TON, she doesn't knit or sew...
I'm wondering if I should just tell her that next Saturday, we're spending the day together? We haven't really hung out in awhile. Sometimes, she can just be a little...um, grating on my nerves, I guess. I know she loves me a lot and would do anything for me...but at times, I feel guilty because I almost feel like I take advantage of her and her generosity, even if I really don't. Like she gives, gives, gives, and I never give back? She always tells me that if she couldn't give, or couldn't do, she wouldn't, and that there will come a time where she won't be able to do things for me. I don't know what I could do for her now, or give her. Maybe just my time?
I wonder if some of this comes from her relationship with her own mother. My grandmother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when my mom was a little kid--she even remembers being 6 or so, and my grandmother being in the hospital. By the time my mom got married, she needed a cane, and shortly after I was born, she was wheelchair-bound. She lived most of MY life in a nursing home and died when I was in college. So, not very hands-on. I think my mom is just trying to do as much as she can while she's young and healthy...my aunt (my mom's little sister, who has 3 kids of her own) is the same way. Playing "supermom" because you don't know when/if you'll get sick. So sad.
I always struggle with gift ideas, too. You said she doesn't love to read a TON. How about picking out a recent favorite of yours and giving her a copy? And enclose a note about how it was a favorite? Kind of gives you a common bond... something to talk about...
Uhhh, my tastes are a little more, um, sophisticated? than hers? LOL And they are also all over the place, too (see my GoodReads page).
I don't know, I think spending time with her is probably most important. But I'm so damned busy, lol.
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