I'm back! Did you miss me? Wow, what a week and (almost) a half. Work has been NUTS!!!!! So much going on, so much work, so few people to do it. I busted my butt and got so much accomplished. It felt really good...and then came the awesome part...
Yesterday, Bossman called me into his office, and there sitting at his table, were Mr. and Mrs. Owner. I wasn't scared, I knew I hadn't done anything wrong (if there was, we'd be in the conference room or Mr. Owner's office). They started out talking to me about how well I've been doing, how much I've taken on, how they can always depend on me, etc etc. THEN they told me that they wanted to bump me up, and were giving me a raise/review now! It factors out to 9%! Very exciting. They also said that I'd still get another raise/review in October, when the usual annual ones occur. What a way to start out the week!
Here's a little update on some goals of mine:
I have been dressing more and more professionally lately and that makes me feel like I'm more of a grown-up. Sure, I could wear jeans and a college T shirt and a hoodie if I wanted to, but in all reality, I feel pretty sloppy and I think it shows in my work. And now that I got a raise and am obviously on the right track, only more incentive to keep it up.
I got a book from the library about container gardens and have been researching. Very interesting stuff...now I just have to get my supplies.
I got to the gym a whopping NINE times in March, but not too bad for it being my first month in a long time. My goal for April is to get there 15 times.
I just feel all around better. Early in the month, my anxiety flared up BIG TIME and it wasn't fun. I got a slight adjustment in my meds, which hopefully will help, and so will me getting to the gym.
Poor DH is still without a job and without any interviews. For now, the plan is to let him do as he pleases until September, which is just applying for state and federal jobs and seeing what happens with them, then he has to really change things up with the search. I'm OK with it, I wasn't at first, but it'll work out. We have the settlement money to supplement my income. But, I'm worried about DH in general. He was really down when I came home today and didn't do much in the way of chores. He said that he had trouble sleeping last night and got out of bed around 2 and stayed up for a bit, then slept til 10AM. This isn't good. He's sleeping now and it's 8:20--he's been in bed for almost 2 hours. I think he's bored, which often leads to people thinking about things that have been in the recesses of their mind. He talked about his mom a little bit tonight, and about his dad being so weird now that she's gone. I don't know what to say or do. He is also lonely, he doesn't have any friends. I tried to tell him that even if he did have friends, they would be at work all day while he was taking time off. I think he needs a purpose. Something to do, to work on, while he's home.
All right, I'm really tired and don't have much more to say...so for now, I'm gone.
Oh! I got a comment from someone I don't know! People DO read this thing! haha