Thursday, May 1, 2008

So I disappeared for awhile...

...and everyone was worried about me. I disappeared from teh interwebs, that is. Not from real life. I belong to a private message board and was gone from there for about a week and a half. Very bizarre for me. But work has kept me so busy I haven't had any time to check in during the day, and then at home, I've been busy with home stuff. Everything is fine, though, and I'm sorry I might have freaked some people out. I haven't even blogged in approximately 2 weeks, either!

I started my "garden" last weekend. DH and I went to the local Agway and bought some plants: basil, two types of tomatoes, petunias, impatiens, two other kinds of annuals. I had some pots from previous gardening attempts, but I still had to do a Wal-Mart run and get MORE, plus tons and tons of soil. I must have spent around $150 on all of this, which is NUTS, but I figure that we're going to need this stuff when we get a house too, and we can re-use the pots and soil, so it's more like an investment. The plants themselves were pretty cheap, so that's good!

What SUCKED is that we might have had a frost last night. WTF it's MAY!?!?! Anyway, last night, DH and I covered everything in a big tarp and hoped for the best. This morning, everything looked OK. We'll see. Tonight I think I need to finish potting the plants that I never got around to doing last Sunday--ran out of time, pots and soil. This will make our deck a little more "lived in" and not so bare.

I have also been scouting around for some more furniture. Two weeks ago, when we took DH's grandma out for her birthday, I saw some lawn chairs that were marked "free" sitting on the side of someone's yard. By the time we passed the house again, they were gone! I should have snatched them up while they were there. Oh well. I'll check out some yard sales, too. I really don't need brand new stuff--as long as it's clean (or can be cleaned) and is safe, I don't care. We waste too much stuff in this country as is, and people always want NEW NEW NEW.

In other news, DH had an interview on Tuesday and wasn't thrilled with the prospects of that position. Not a good fit at all. He'd rather work directly with the population, and this job was more clerical. Today he has another interview for something that he really really wants to do, and I'm so excited/nervous for him. He would be SOOOO happy if this position were to come through, so please, send prayers, good thoughts, crossed fingers, etc.

1 comment:

A+ said...

Glad to see you back! I missed your blogging.