I'm tired, even though I went to bed early. I feel like a 3 month old--I'm not sleeping well through the night. Why have a baby when I'm sleeping like one!? Oh wait a sec, that might be a good thing...at least we'd be on the same sleeping schedule.
I came into work late. Fortunately, we can do this (yay flex time) and I have a work laptop at home so that I can log into my email and see if there's anything pressing before I venture out into the world. Not this morning. Tomorrow I do need to be in before 9 since there's a 9 am conference call with the remote sales reps.
I'm so not motivated today. I had a huge cup of coffee only 2 hrs ago, but I think I need a swimming pool sized cup to get me through the day. Been here almost a half hour and managed to go through my new email, write a few replies, look at my to-do list, check my personal email, check some blogs, and now I'm here.
I'm debating whether or not to ask my boss about working from home, at least 1 day a week. Any tips on how to approach this?
Thank God the 4th is on a Friday this year--last year it was on a Thursday, but we had to come in on the Friday. Yuck.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
A post that's more marriage/relationship-related.
Since that was sorta the intent of this blog. But if you know me, I get easily distracted and off-topic. Oh, and I like to talk/write. LOL
So DH and I had a talk yesterday re: our time together, how I always seem stressed and on-edge, even in my down time. Work makes me stressed.
I told him that it's mostly b/c I don't have a lot of free time, and that I feel so pressed to do so many things--things I want to do (crafty stuff, reading), things I need to do (going to the gym, errands) and things I have to do (cleaning the litter box).
I'm going to make a list, one in 3 parts, of things that I want to get done (similar to my list on here, of fun stuff), things that we can do together (since we had a big fight a few weeks ago about not doing enough stuff together) and things that HAVE to get done (house crap).
Hopefully this will help me not to feel so stressed out about EVERYTHING. Also, we discussed having a 10 minute "pick up time" every night. Just to organize the house a bit, so we're not doing HUGE jobs on the weekends. Sure, things like vacuuming and dusting can really only be done on the weekends when there's more time, but straightening up the living room and disposing of junk mail instead of letting it pile up on the coffee table(*ahem* DH!) can be done in small pockets of time.
I'll keep ya posted ;-)
So DH and I had a talk yesterday re: our time together, how I always seem stressed and on-edge, even in my down time. Work makes me stressed.
I told him that it's mostly b/c I don't have a lot of free time, and that I feel so pressed to do so many things--things I want to do (crafty stuff, reading), things I need to do (going to the gym, errands) and things I have to do (cleaning the litter box).
I'm going to make a list, one in 3 parts, of things that I want to get done (similar to my list on here, of fun stuff), things that we can do together (since we had a big fight a few weeks ago about not doing enough stuff together) and things that HAVE to get done (house crap).
Hopefully this will help me not to feel so stressed out about EVERYTHING. Also, we discussed having a 10 minute "pick up time" every night. Just to organize the house a bit, so we're not doing HUGE jobs on the weekends. Sure, things like vacuuming and dusting can really only be done on the weekends when there's more time, but straightening up the living room and disposing of junk mail instead of letting it pile up on the coffee table(*ahem* DH!) can be done in small pockets of time.
I'll keep ya posted ;-)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Almost a week and no posts...

So I better do one now.
The picture on this entry was taken by yours truly. These are leis that we got in Hawaii at our first hotel. Mine was beautiful and smelled so delicious...but it DIED. DH's came home with us and is sitting on our bookcase. It's made out of a nut. I forgot which one. So yes, we have our honeymoon pics finally and they are in an album and all of that. To those of you whom I love, I'll email you the shutterfly link when I get a free moment.
I'm kinda ehh right now. We're not going to Philly next month--we're going in September, around our anniversary. I'm slightly disappointed, but DH and I didn't talk about where we'd be getting the $$ from (I assumed it would come from his settlement account) so we need some time to save up some more.
I'm still taking the days off next month that I requested--we'll just do some things locally instead. I need a break.
I'm mostly ehh b/c I make a fairly decent salary and DH brings in OK money through his settlement checks (which we're using to boost our income now that he's not working) but it just doesn't seem like enough at times. We're paying our bills (and we have NO debt, so it's like, WTF?) and staying alive, but there's no room for too much fun. I know people have done it on less...maybe it's b/c they were doing it when gas was only $2.50/gal instead of $4.29???? Maybe they put lot of stuff on credit cards, whereas we don't? I do play the "comparison" game at times, which is bad, I know, but it sucks when there are things you want to do but you can't. Anyway.
DH thinks I want too much some times, and maybe I do. I just thought that when you were an "adult" you'd get to do a lot of fun things...especially now that I'm making the most I've ever made before. I think it'll get better when he gets a job, since it'll be more than he gets from his other income, and a LOT more than he gets from unemployment! We can then save, which is something we haven't done since before he got laid off.
I do have good news on the job front--he heard from someone with whom he has connections (in the dept that's a division of state govt.) that they just received all of the resumes that were submitted for the openings, so HOPEFULLY he'll get a call soon re: an interview!!!! Please--say a prayer, cross your fingers, wish on a star, anything.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Packages in the mail!
Yesterday, I said that DH went to pick up the weddings pics...and when I got home last night, the UPS man (I know, it could have been a woman, but in ALL of my years working, I have yet to see a woman in the brown. I have seen women FedEx drivers, but no UPS) had visited, and left us the honeymoon pics from Shutterfly. YAAAAAY!
A day full of pics. It was fun to look at them all, for real, on paper, sitting in front of me. DH wants to get a ton blown up for our walls, but I'm thinking we should wait until we get a house and have MORE walls to cover. We'll see.
I also cut my hair yesterday. Pretty short. (Crazy A, think...early sophomore year? Maybe a bit longer.) I was dying for a change, and I've had it this short a few times before. It's a very "me" cut--my stylist LOVES cutting it this way on me and she knew what I was thinking before I even said it. No more ponytails though. Oh well! I had grown it out for the wedding, and then cut it a bit shorter at each haircut since the wedding, but now I was ready for something a bit more drastic.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
But on a good note...
DH picked up the wedding pictures today. I can't wait to get home and look at them, for realz. Not just little 4x4 proofs. The real album, pics for friends and family, everything.
I ordered them in...February? They took about 2 months to do, so they've been sitting at the photog's office for 2 more months, although they never called (even though the secretary said they did, WRONG!). We've been married almost 9 months now? LOL.
But....the proofs weren't ready until Thanksgiving, then I took forever deciding which to order, then I had to MAIL the photog the proofs to make sure that their #'s matched mine...so it was a laborious process.
Oh, whatever!!!!!
Speaking of the tomatoes...this was copied and pasted from an email.
I got a letter yesterday (well, not me, it was in the name of a previous tenant, good thing I opened it) saying that we were in violation b/c of our tomato plants.
Seriously people!? There are worse things going on in the world than that!!!!! I almost cried when I read the letter (I blame PMS, ha) b/c I was like, dude, come on, this is NOT that big of a deal. I'm taking them to my mom's--good thing she has a lot of sun in her yard, also has a veg. garden so won't mind watering mine, and that she lives close by. IDK what I'd do if I didn't have somewhere to foster them...the plants already have flowers on them! They'll be giving me tomatoes in a few weeks.
Just lame, yo. I checked our booklet that the LL gave us when we moved in, I can't find anything in there about vegetables. My dad said that it could be b/c of animals--trying to keep them away from the house. Grrr.
Then, an update. Also C&P.
The LL got CC'd on the notice, and he called after I wrote you that email. He told me NOT to worry about it, that he's grieving with the condo board (since that rule is not in anything he has), and he said that if they weren't in pots for me to go out and buy some and take it off of the rent! (Luckily for him, they're in pots already). He also told me to put them on the back deck and there shouldn't be a problem. He thinks he knows who complained and he said "there are some really wacko/weird people there...and there are some people who like to be pains in the asses, who have nothing better to do." LOL Oh and he said that when he lived there for a year (right before we moved in) he and his wife had tomato plants too, but on the back porch and no one complained.
I hope that when I get old, if I have nothing better to do than complain about other peoples shit, someone puts me out of my misery!
AND THEN this happened...
OMG I just snapped at one of my coworkers. He came up to me, bitching and whining about how the health insurance premiums went up like 20%...so I said, rather chilly, sorry I'm dealing with a bigger issue, my husband still hasn't found a job, so I've been covering him on my insurance for awhile, and that increased my costs.
What I REALLY wanted to say was, "maybe your wife should go back to work and not be a SAHM...you guys CHOSE to be parents...my husband didn't choose to lose his job."
I feel bad that I kinda blew up at him, but jeez...you picked the wrong person to vent to about rising costs. I almost started crying when I was talking to him.
Friday, June 13, 2008
I want to do something to my house...
Only I don't own it...just rent. Ugh. I thought the flowers would be enough. I want to decorate! Do something! New furniture! Anything! Grrr.
Speaking of the flowers, I think I need to transplant/move around some of them. My petunias are TAKING OFF and I think they need bigger pots. Some of my impatiens died (boo) so I can transplant the petunias out of the window boxes into those pots. Money saved, woot! Did I mention that the window boxes are not IN windows? They are on our deck railing--but my parents do the same thing at their house.
And my tomatoes! Holy Moses, are they tall. I might have some actual fruit by the time this salmonella thing is over. They suck up so much water, and I need to stake them this weekend.
And there's so much stuff I haven't opened/used that I received at my shower (a year ago on the 23rd!) and from the wedding. *sigh* Where to put it all? When to use it?
I have been toying with the idea of moving around the living room furniture...hehe. It's a small room though, and our furniture is "making do" because it doesn't really fit in it correctly. Ugh. I also want to re-organize DH's closet but he'd probably kill me. Very possessive of his messiness, that man is. LOL And his dresser and desk! Hoooo boy. Won't go there.
Will this help me scratch my domesticity itch? Probably not...
Speaking of the flowers, I think I need to transplant/move around some of them. My petunias are TAKING OFF and I think they need bigger pots. Some of my impatiens died (boo) so I can transplant the petunias out of the window boxes into those pots. Money saved, woot! Did I mention that the window boxes are not IN windows? They are on our deck railing--but my parents do the same thing at their house.
And my tomatoes! Holy Moses, are they tall. I might have some actual fruit by the time this salmonella thing is over. They suck up so much water, and I need to stake them this weekend.
And there's so much stuff I haven't opened/used that I received at my shower (a year ago on the 23rd!) and from the wedding. *sigh* Where to put it all? When to use it?
I have been toying with the idea of moving around the living room furniture...hehe. It's a small room though, and our furniture is "making do" because it doesn't really fit in it correctly. Ugh. I also want to re-organize DH's closet but he'd probably kill me. Very possessive of his messiness, that man is. LOL And his dresser and desk! Hoooo boy. Won't go there.
Will this help me scratch my domesticity itch? Probably not...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I'm still here!
Just very very busy at work and at home. Been doing REALLY well with the eating stuff even though my food prep takes FOREVER and is expensive! Who'd think that HEALTHY food would cost so much!?
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