Monday, March 30, 2009

Stop the presses! A non-hair post.

I am a huge procrastinator, and along with this, I am often late. You'd think, being almost 30 years old, I'd have learned how to deal with this better, to be more organized, to plan ahead, etc.


[I do have to point out that I was never the queen of all-nighters. That title goes to my college roomie, K. She would be up all night, in our dining room with her laptop and a stack of books, writing research papers. I did plan somewhat ahead for those, partly because I had a desktop computer, and it would not have been fair to my immediate roomie, B.]

When it comes to work stuff, I have gotten somewhat better, by plotting out my next week on Friday afternoons, sending out a lot of emails for collaborative tasks, working on things in small amounts each day. That's good, except when I plan ahead SO much that we have plenty of time to submit things, and OTHER PEOPLE decide to change up my stuff up until the last minute. (Another post for another day *sigh*)

When it comes to my grad school assignments, I am infamous for doing things the night before they are due. I think this comes from being out of the school grind for so long, and having other things to do in my life! This weekend, I set off for my town's library to work on an annotated bibliography for a paper that I have to write. The paper's not due until the end of the semester (next month!) but the professor wants to see our annotated bibliography first. Fine.

I'd been searching for a few days, on and off, and not finding much while looking at home, probably because of the mass amount of distractions in our home. So Sunday afternoon, after Mass and errands, I went to the library. I'm plugging along, loving the fact that I can access school's databases in the "comfort" of my own library (it's only 1.8 miles from my house vs. the 10+ to school), finding a ton of things to support my thesis, saving the sources, etc.

I then decide to plot out the rest of my week, before I go to class on Wednesday, so that I'll have time to do the assigned reading and write up my annotated bibliography. I pull out the syllabus just to see which chapters in our books I'll need to read.

And then I see it. The due date for this annotated bibliography.

It's NEXT week--April 8. Not THIS week--April 1.

I'm actually ahead on something. I started laughing out loud, in the "quiet" area of the library. I couldn't help it.

Of course, I'm not really done. I still have to read through some of these sources, and write the actual annotated bibliography, but I couldn't get over the fact that I had gotten the dates wrong, and had a jump start on my paper! I'll still have this coming weekend to get my stuff together. I wouldn't mind starting the actual writing early, as it'll take me awhile to write it and get it exactly how I want it.

I'm still shaking my head...

This blog might just turn into a hair blog...


Just some quick updates, it's a busy Monday morning at work.

No washing, the hair looked pretty clean from Friday. I did brush with my boar's bristle brush, which helped move the oils down the hair shaft. Everything looked pretty good, and I kept it pulled back with a headband.

Washed with BS/water and rinsed with ACV. Let it air dry, without ANY product...and then promptly ran off to Mass (as in church, not the state). Holy mother! By the time it dried, it was POUFY. And a tiny bit frizzy, but that could be chalked up to the rainy weather.

When I woke up, the pouffiness (sp?) was gone, but it was sticking out in funny ways. Yay having wavy hair. So I rinsed with plenty of water, and added teensy amount of conditioner (Tresemme something or other) to the lower parts of my hair. Blew it dry w/out product--looks shiny and bouncy, w00t!

Some interesting observations:
1) When I let it air-dry on Sunday, it dried SUPER fast.

2) It took longer to blow dry this AM. I don't know if it was b/c I added conditioner today or I kept it wrapped in a towel until I was ready to blow dry (no air really got to the hair) and it's still kinda damp. Could be the weather, who knows.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another hair update

Sorry if this is too much for y'all...

Here's a play by play of the last few days.

I did a TON of research during the workday on no 'poo, whooops. Pretty much got sucked into a group on livejournal, just reading and reading. I also got my hair cut. When I got to the salon, L (stylist) commented on how straight and soft my hair was. I told her "this is w/out any product." She was amazed! I also said something like "oh I know it probably looks a little greasy, I did wash it this AM." But she didn't think it looked bad at all. I didn't tell her about my "new regime" until she was done washing my hair. She got mad at me, and told me she would have done whatever I wanted (water only, conditioner only, etc). LOL So I confessed all about my plans and she was intrigued. Apparently she hadn't heard about this before... She cut my hair, then styled it w/out any product. Just a blow dryer and a flat iron. The hair was super bouncy with lots of volume. Smelled REALLY good--mint and lavender shampoo.

BTW, Illinigirl--she asked me if my hair smelled badly! LOL

Woke up, hair still smelled great but was much flatter, so I pinned back the sides with bobby pins and went to work. The greasies started to come out, but they were probably similar to earlier in the week. I also discovered that my old scabs/flakes were coming it's definitely something in shampoo!

I rescued an empty dish soap bottle from a garbage death and recycled it into a shampoo bottle, by adding my BS/water mixture to it. I needed something to really reach the roots, since I had read on Weds that if you get the BS/water closer to your roots, it'll help tame the greasies better. Also read that you shouldn't get the ACV too close to your roots b/c it'll bring the greasies back out. ACV = only for the non-roots! Since the soap bottle's top allowed things to be squirted from it, I figured it would do the trick.

I also discovered that I do have boar bristle brush, which is perfect for distributing oils down the hair's I brushed it up before bed.

Wow, my hair looks awesome. Not really sure why....

This morning I rinsed with pretty hot water (not scalding) and scrubbed my scalp with just my fingertips. Then applied BS/water to the roots/scalp and scrubbed that in. Rinsed with warm water. Then kind of just patted (and poured) the ACV/water into the rest of my hair--if i had finer hair, I think I could use a spray bottle to cover it. Rinsed that with cooler water. Let the hair air dry for a bit, then blew it dry. I can still smell the shampoo (yes, from WEDNESDAY) a bit, which is all right by me. My hair doesn't seem greasy at all, actually it looks like what would be "normal" hair for me. I wonder what's going on....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More hair...

So it's Wednesday and I guess I've been no 'poo for almost a week now.

Haircut tonight--I'm nervous about my salon's stuff messing up my hair, but oh well.

Roots are still a bit greasy, which everyone says is normal, but it's really not THAT bad. I kind of like having limper hair. If you've met me, you know how "big" my hair can get!

Still no smell, thank God.

I did more research last night about all of this ACV and BS stuff, and I used a different mixture this morning--1 tbs BS dissolved in 1 cup water (I tripled the recipe just to make sure I had enough and I had too much). For the ACV, I did 1 tbs in 1 cup of water as well.

I think I need to work on WHERE I put the products. Try to aim the BS on my roots only (I know, easier said than done) and try to get the ACV only on my non-root hair (like the "ponytail" if you will). They say that the BS will help cut the greasies, while the ACV will cause more. But, you need the BS to clean your roots, and you need the ACV to moisturize the rest of your hair. What a process!

Although, I might have to use a bit more of everything on Friday when I next wash my hair. I never wash it the day after I have it done. I like to keep my $43 cut/blow dry as long as possible!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hair Update

This morning, I washed my hair again with baking soda and conditioned with an apple cider vinegar/water mixture.

Right away, I could tell that it didn't feel as clean as it did on Sunday night. I don't know if that's because it wasn't as dirty (which is a backwards way of thinking) or if I needed to use something different. I blew it dry (something I rarely do) because I didn't want any surprises during the day. It felt a bit greasy, but didn't look too bad...I don't know.

Right now, my hair looks like it does after I go get my hair cut and my stylist puts a ton of stuff in it and flat irons it and all that jazz. Kinda dirty looking, but really good at the same time? LOL

I have ZERO product in, which I'm pretty pleased about. I did sprinkle some face powder in my hair while I was doing my makeup, just to absorb any oil that might come out, and brushed that in.

I just can't believe how straight it is without me putting a ton of crap in it...and it's not frizzy, either. I have one admission: I used this triangle attachment thingy that came with my blow dryer. I'd never used it before. It's not a diffuser--I have one of those, too. It redirects the hot air, and aims it better. I don't know what it's called though. That might have helped in taming the frizz, but oh well.

I'm actually getting my hair cut tomorrow and I'm scared my "progress" with the BS and ACV will be thwarted by the salon stuff. We'll see.

I am also thinking about using a bit more ACV in the mixture, in the hopes of cutting back on the greasies. I know there is an adjustment period, so I just have to bite the bullet and wait for my hair to regulate.

Now to comment on yesterday's comments:

I've never used salon products, except when I'm at the salon. I guess it's the cheapskate in me, plus, I don't have a ton of $ to throw around. So I wouldn't really know if there was a true difference?

The vinegar wasn't too bad, but if you have an aversion to it, I don't blame you for not wanting to use it! Plus, ACV has a slight apple smell, so it's better than straight white vinegar.

I'm happy to say that my hair doesn't smell, thank GOD. I was worried that it would have, as Illini Girl called it "that icky dirty hair smell." I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about ;-) It doesn't really have a smell, maybe a bit from the powder that I put in it (but that isn't a bad smell), but nothing like that icky nasty smell.

I'll keep trying...even though my husband thinks I'm nuts for putting acid in my hair. The former chem major in him keeps saying "there's a reason why shampoo is a BASE, honey." I actually have to go buy more ACV today.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Another green post--a hair experiment

Over the past few months, I've been reading about all types of "green" beauty stuff, natural beauty stuff, etc.

I'd been really curious about the "no 'poo" movement, for awhile. Especially because I have very thick, wavy hair, that sometimes wants to be curly...but of course, not every day. [The Curly Girl website is really into "no 'poo" as well.] Last week, there was an article/segment on NPR about how shampoo might not be that great, maybe your hair doesn't need it, the body will produce its own oils, etc. [I'm probably paraphrasing it now.] The comments were actually more interesting and informative than the segment itself, haha, and gave some great tips about how to use natural/household products to get cleaner hair.

So this weekend, I tried it. Not really planning to, it just sort of happened.

Friday--I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner in the morning.

Saturday--While showering after a workout and errands and stuff (so mid-afternoon), I decided to just rinse my hair super well. By the time my hair dried, it looked a little greasy, but I had it pulled back with a headband, so it didn't look too badly. [See what I meant about "it just sort of happened?"]

Sunday--I didn't wash it until late at night, and after another workout and cleaning my car. So it was pretty greasy by that point! By then I figured that I should try the baking soda and apple cider vinegar tips, as I didn't think that just water would help my hair!

I took baking soda and water, made a paste, sort of distributed it through my hair, making sure it got on my scalp, scrubbed really well, and rinsed a lot. Then I poured into my clean hair a mix of 1 part apple cider vinegar and 10 parts water. [I used a 1/3 cup for my "part."] Then rinsed that out with clean water. The hair felt super clean, but not slippery weird, like after you use conditioner. Just normal.

I went to bed with it slightly damp (remember: thick hair, takes FOREVER to dry) and woke up hoping not to find a crazy mess. My hair didn't look too bad--didn't look dirty/greasy at all. The waves were pretty manageable, and I ended up brushing it back and using a headband, since some of the waves looked a little weird. It's now mid-day and looking at it, it still looks pretty clean! My head doesn't itch either, the way it did when I used shampoo (a dandruff-preventing one, at that!).

The only "product" I used this AM was some hair spray to keep the shorter pieces back in the headband. It'll be interesting to see how this works when I wash my hair in the morning and have to go to work with a wet or damp head, which means I'll need some product in it...

One more thing, because I'm sure you're my head doesn't smell like vinegar! I asked DH immediately after I showered and he was like "Oh my God, get out of here!" LOL Later on, he couldn't smell it at all. Good!

If this works, I'll be pretty pumped because it's cheap (baking soda is less than a dollar and you only use a few tablespoons, ACV is a bit more but again, you don't use much) and it's not a bunch of chemicals being poured onto my head.

Oh, about that picture--that is NOT my house, or my stuff. [Duh, if you know me, I mostly use STORE BRANDS!] Via the magic of Google Images, I typed in "baking soda vinegar" and that's the eleventh image that popped up. How wonderful!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy birthday to my favorite children's book...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle, is FORTY!

Best. book. ever.

I made my parents read it over and over and over and over again.

I give it to all of my friends when they have babies.

How could you NOT love the colors, the design, the story?

Look what Google did with their logo today:

Another story about the day:

And you get a picture, too!

Note to self.

You should add some pics to your posts. It would liven things up.

You might also want to consider changing your layout again. Add some color!!!!!!

Just a few ideas....


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh, one more thing.

I might get to blog for work soon. This should be interesting. I brought it up to the Bossman and he liked my ideas.

Whoo hoo!

I've got my hand out, here....

and I'm asking for all the thoughts, prayers, good vibes, rain dances, crossed fingers, whatever for my DH.

He's had a bunch of interviews lately, and some phone calls expressing interest in interviewing him (just nailing down dates/times), and even one offer(!)* so we're moving in the right direction, but we're not there JUST yet. This is better than we could have expected, and we'd just like someone to decide on him. Usually people ask for "good stuff" when things are going I'm changing it up and asking for the "good stuff" to help this awesome streak of luck to continue.

Thanks in advance everyone!

* the offer--it was for a company that sounded good, but when DH inquired about their liability insurance (as he'd be transporting clients in his own car), they got very weird and weren't fully answering his/our questions. We looked into buying supplemental insurance to cover our butts, since our auto insurance company would not cover DH while using his car at work, but that was impossible. When DH asked the HR woman about a certain type of insurance and that our insurance company recommended any employer having this, she got very defensive and said "you really should NOT be calling your insurance company about this stuff." That was enough for us. DH declined the offer. Besides, it wasn't really what he wanted to do (population-wise). The interviews he's had since then have been more along the lines of what he's done and wants to continue doing.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Constant Contact

I use it for work, for a variety of tasks (it's an email marketing program)....and it's driving me nuts!!!!!! When I "preview" my newsletter or whatever, it looks fine, but then I test email it to myself and the images/wording has shifted.

MAKE IT STOOOOP!!!!! I just want to do my work and be done with it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why GirlWednesday?

To answer that question (I had a few recently), we must go the beginning!

ETA: Wow, I've been blogging for one year and two days now!!! Happy anniversary to me! And to you readers :-)


I figured out why I'm posting more these days.

Work unblocked all of Blogger's functions, so of course I'm free to post!

Before, I could read blogs, but couldn't leave comments...and definitely could not log into my own.

I am on a roll...

...posting like crazy these days!

I just changed the name of this blog, so please update your settings, if applicable.


One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say "liberry" instead of "library." Little children are excluded, as long as they grow up and say it correctly ;-) Those with speech impediments are also excluded. (I'm really not a meanie, I swear.)

Anyway, I have two cases in point which REALLY REALLY bother me.

I'm not talking about a casual overheard conversation in the grocery store. I'm talking about two people who work pretty closely with libraries.

One, a sales rep at work, whose sole job is selling our stuff TO libraries, always says it "liberry." He'll be on the phone with a "liberrian" talking this person up about our latest products, and then I'll hear the dreaded L word. I sit near him, so I can hear him clear as a bell. I shudder EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. he does it. Who knows what the "liberrians" think of him, when he's visiting them in their "liberries." You don't hear car salesmen saying "Niss-in" instead of Nee-SAHN."

The other, is a woman in my library school class. She works in a school library (I think it's elementary) and I cringe every time she opens her mouth in class. "Liberry" this, "liberry" that. For God's sake, woman! You are teaching YOUNG MINDS. Please do not corrupt them into thinking that this is the right way to say the place where the books are kept. I'm surprised the professor hasn't said something yet. I would if I were her (the prof).

Going/getting green

Ooooh look, a GREEN post on St. Patrick's Day! Just a coincidence, I swear.

So many people are working on going green, living more simply, etc. That's great. There are some things that I'd love to do that aren't super practical right now, just due to where we're currently living. I thought I'd post about what I do and what I'd like to do in the future...

What I do now:

1. Most food scraps are sent through the garbage disposal.

Believe it or not, this IS a green thing. Better for the food waste to be sent to the sewage treatment plant than to just sit in a plastic trash bag.

2. Recycle newspapers/fliers, magazines, bottles, cans, and some plastics.

My town is weird about which plastics are OK, which sucks, but I do what I can. I even put the magazines in our complex's laundry room in case someone else would like to read them.

3. Reuse plastic bags from the grocery store.

I know you're probably thinking, "Get the reusable bags!!!!" And I would, except DH does the shopping...and he's a guy, so he'd probably forget the "green" bags at home, in the car, or leave them IN the grocery cart at the The plastic bags are great for cleaning out the litter box or for wrapping meat/chicken up to freeze (over the store wrappings, people!). I also use them to line the little trash cans in our bedroom and bathroom.

4. Take my lunch/snacks to work and school in plastic containers.

Sure, they can be bulky and I often look like I'm bringing in enough food for a week, but I don't use any foil, plastic wrap, baggies, etc. I'm always on the look out for new containers that I can rescue from the garbage--deli containers, takeout containers, etc. DH thinks I'm nuts, but I don't care.

5. Make rags out of old clothes.

Old t-shirts are SUPER soft and make great rags for cleaning. Then you just toss 'em in the washing machine. It's harder to get DH to make this transition, but hey, if he cleans, great!

6. Hang up some clothes to dry (no dryer).

This wasn't really meant to be green, this was more or less me trying to save my clothing. I'm always the unfortunate victim of shrunken clothing, so to save money (for new clothes) and my sanity, I started hanging up my clothes to dry years ago. But it also helps cut back on power and laundry money!

I'm sure I have more things that I do, and I just can't think of them right now.

Here's what I'd LOVE to do:

1. Use a clothesline!!!!

I grew up with one, I used one at my last apartment, but this complex that DH and I live at now doesn't allow them. Boo. I miss that fresh-air-on-your-clothes-and-sheets smell.

2. Make my own laundry detergent!

I've seen many people (including Michelle Duggar, who I secretly envy) do it. It's not hard, but we do have to transport our laundry to a common laundry room--I'm envisioning the detergent going everywhere! Storage is also an issue in our place. Where to store those gallons of product?

3. Have a garden.

Last year, DH and I had tomatoes (I think I posted the issues we had with them on here) but I'd love to get more things in the ground. As I posted a few weeks ago, I'll probably be planting things at my parents' house this year.

4. Use less paper towels and napkins.

I'd love for us to use cloth napkins at dinner (not to be snooty fancy) but it's hard when you don't have a washer/dryer IN your place and have to really plan out when you're going to do your laundry. Using cloth napkins wouldn't be too bad if we could just do a load of laundry every few days, right after dinner or whatever.

5. Start a compost pile!!!

Kinda hard to do while living in an apartment, lol. I haaaaaaate throwing away food scraps. And it would go hand in hand with the garden.

So those are my green accomplishments and goals. What are yours?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Something that popped into my mind recently...

Are DH and I the only people who are married and don't have kids yet? I know of a few other couples who don't have any yet...but I know them more peripherally.

I'm talking about people who are close friends...most of them had their first baby within the first year to 18 months of marriage. Most (but not all!) are also religious...which probably explains why they had kids so soon... [Some were a bit older (mid-thirties) and didn't want to wait too long.]

But DH and I are religious too.

As I've said before, here and other places, we just want to wait a bit and we're in no real shape or form to be parents right now. I don't know if it's just a trend I'm noticing only because it's on my mind, or if it's really true. People probably really don't notice or care, but I often wonder if people think "oooh, they've been married 18 months, where's the baby?" Especially at church.

DH and I are having some guilt issues about using BC right now, and we both feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Maybe some of these thoughts come from that guilt?


Are BlackBerrys really necessary?

A friend of mine recently got a BlackBerry, which I learned about when she emailed me from it.

I think this is ridiculous. She doesn't have a job that requires round the clock contact, nor does is she allowed to do work in "off hours." Don't get me wrong, I looooove the internet, but I'm not that into gadgets where I'd need to have constant access to email and the web. Sure, it COULD be handy, but really, why do you NEED something like that? Plus, the money that you have to shell out...

I just think it's laughable because a few months ago, I was saying how DH and I had to cut back on things because money is tight, and she was sort of snotty about it, saying "money's tight for everyone." Now here she is with some high-priced gadget which requires monthly service!!!!! Get real. The money tightness in our home was a result of an action beyond our control...where it seems hers was a result of many actions within her control.

I truly believe that our society needs to STOP falling prey to this stuff. Some people are learning it now, only because they have to (job loss, hours being cut), or because they live in fear of what might happen. Some people have been avoiding this stuff already, and they're the ones who are surviving and thriving.

To me, the only people who need BBs are those who need to be in constant reach with someone else, but primarily from a job.

Just my opinion ;-)

Wow, this memory came out of nowhere...

This morning, while driving to work, I remembered something that happened in college almost 10 years ago. Had completely forgotten about it... My friends from college who read this blog (A+ and Learning Stuff) might remember, but they weren't involved.

I don't remember if it was junior or senior year, but...I, uh, borrowed? an athletic department van/bus and drove it (probably illegally) to my aunt's house (she lived about 20 minutes away) to pick up a couch that she didn't want anymore, so that my friends (editors of the yearbook) could have it for their office.

L and K, the editors, expressed interest in the couch that my aunt was going to get rid of. But no one, including my aunt and uncle, had a vehicle big enough to transport it. I guess anyone who was an editor or president of a club was eligible to borrow a van for short term use. This was also right before the fall semester started--we'd all moved back to campus early for our various clubs and orgs.

One of the editors, L, went and got the keys from the athletic department. But both L and K were too scared to drive the van. So I said I'd do it--I was going with them since it was my aunt's house. I don't think I was allowed to drive, I wasn't an editor, I didn't sign out the van, but I did it anyway. It was the weirdest, yet coolest, thing...the van was HUGE and you sat way up high. To date, this was the biggest vehicle I've driven.

So while I was driving to work, I remembered that drive from campus to my aunt's house and feeling invincible about it all...and it didn't even occur to me, until NOW, how badly it could have turned out for me and my friends. Yay for being dumb and impulsive! LOL

Then I thought about how hard it was getting the couch into the van.

Why was it so hard? Oh yeah, the van had bench seats. Duh, it was a passenger van! My friend and I and my aunt tried to get the couch in, by having the couch "sit" on top of the backs of the benches (if that makes any sense). It didn't fit.

Then we noticed that each row/bench sort of "buckled" in the van's floor. Then someone had the brilliant idea to take out the seats.

Okay, let's take out the seats. That was harder than it looked. We had to call my cousin (not my aunt's son) , who lived across the street (and coincidentally worked for my college's athletic department!) to help us get the seats out. Finally, we figure out how to get the couch in, throw the seats BACK in (on top of the couch) and ride back to campus.

One other thing--this happened at the very end of August and it was still pretty hot. I don't think the van had AC. So we were a hot mess.

We get back to campus and lug the couch to the yearbook office. But after that, I don't remember what happened to the van, or if someone put the seats back where they were supposed

I seriously hadn't thought about this until this morning. Good times.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

So I have a following...

A reader of another reader sent me a comment. Yay!

So, to all of my readers...what do you want to know about me? What can I post here that would be interesting to you all?

Some of you are complete strangers. Some of you I've "met" on teh interwebz. Some of you I've met in person, even just once. Some of you I've known for a long time and have even lived with!

What can I do to make this blog more...interesting? Readable? Fun? I don't know.

Come on, give me your comments...I can take 'em! lol

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am lacking direction....


I don't know why I'm blogging anymore. I don't know what to write a about or what the purpose is. I read a lot of other blogs and they seem much more interesting than mine. I'm sure I've posted about this before...

I just don't know what to say. Those who know me in person, or who've read posts of mine on various message boards, know I'm not one of few words. I don't know why I'm having difficulty.

Is it because this blog is more...private? and that not everyone in my world knows about this place? If I had more readers, would I have more to say? Would more comments enable me to write more? That's kinda chicken and egg, right?

Just feeling rather frustrated about's sort of silly, I know.

Monday, March 2, 2009

one more thing

I forgot to announce this:

I finally started using my KitchenAid mixer!!!! Works wonders for making cookies!!!!!

GO ME! lol

Okay kids...

I know it's been almost 2 months since I've written anything here. My bad.

So what's been going on in the world of GirlWednesday?

1. I started school. Taking my first class towards my masters in library science. Not too bad, but it is kinda boring. Yay for intro classes. I'm trying to figure out the fastest way for me to get this degree done, but not so fast that I have no time for anything else, or get stressed out or something.

2. DH is still unemployed. He's had some interviews over the past two weeks, but either the job is TOO shady (like using his own car and insurance to transport people--YIKES) or the job won't be open for another year...mayyyybe. (Side note: who the heck interviews someone only to tell them that???) We're almost at one year of unemployment.

3. I still have a job, but I've lost 6 coworkers in the past 6 weeks. (Not one per week.) They did a round of layoffs (4 people) in mid-January, and then two more people were cut on Friday. My department was cut in half during the first round. Sheesh. Things are slow--less deadlines, less things being asked of me...I'm scared, but I'm hoping that everything will turn out for the best.

4. Diet and exercise have been...ehhhh. I'm thinking about trying Weight Watchers. I don't know what the heck to do about fitting in my exercise, esp. with school and work, but we'll see. The gym bag is always packed and ready to go...

Things I am looking forward to...

1. Being done with my class and taking another one this summer. Note to self: register already!

2. Starting a garden. I talked with my mom yesterday and I'm going to start one over at my parents' house. They have a huge yard and my mom already has a vegetable garden plowed out, so the soil just needs to be tilled and planted. My mom won't be around much over the summer, as my aunt is having hip replacement surgery (she's not even 50!!!!) and mom will be helping to take care of her.

3. Working better on diet/exercise.

4. I'm also attempting to live simpler, so we'll see how that goes.

Hopefully it won't be another 2 months before you hear from me again! I think blogger is now unblocked at my job ;-)