Monday, June 30, 2008

Ugh, Mondays

I'm tired, even though I went to bed early. I feel like a 3 month old--I'm not sleeping well through the night. Why have a baby when I'm sleeping like one!? Oh wait a sec, that might be a good least we'd be on the same sleeping schedule.

I came into work late. Fortunately, we can do this (yay flex time) and I have a work laptop at home so that I can log into my email and see if there's anything pressing before I venture out into the world. Not this morning. Tomorrow I do need to be in before 9 since there's a 9 am conference call with the remote sales reps.

I'm so not motivated today. I had a huge cup of coffee only 2 hrs ago, but I think I need a swimming pool sized cup to get me through the day. Been here almost a half hour and managed to go through my new email, write a few replies, look at my to-do list, check my personal email, check some blogs, and now I'm here.

I'm debating whether or not to ask my boss about working from home, at least 1 day a week. Any tips on how to approach this?

Thank God the 4th is on a Friday this year--last year it was on a Thursday, but we had to come in on the Friday. Yuck.


I fancy mars said...

Your boss would understand if it's about gas prices, right? I mean, they're doing 4/10's now all over the country.

I guess you could show him that one day a week would be a good time to take care of a lot of administrative details that don't require your presence in the office. If you can SHOW him that, you have a good case.

I tend to be able to work from home when I have a big design project to do.

girlwednesday said...

I'm not too sure that he'd understand when used in the context of gas prices. I mean, he might, but right now, he has a much longer commute than I do (but he does make more!).

We have talked a bit about using home time to do catching up, perhaps I could segue this into using WORK time to work at home, catching up.

I have a laptop from the company, I can remotely access the network. I can even listen to voice mail from my computer! Most days, I really don't need to be HERE.

Unknown said...

I understand completely where you are coming from. I think I am going to definitely be playing Let's Make a Deal with my current job in the upcoming months.....I think I am going to ask to give up my current position(s) to just be a regular Service Coordinator again. The big perk with that is I can do a lot of my work from home and just plan out my client visits. I also am going to see if they will agree to the same salary based on "my experience". If they don't go for it though, I will definitely be saying peace out....this really is alllllllllllllll I've been thinking about lately.

girlwednesday said...

I think I'm getting to the point where I need to be "stimulated" in some way or it might be time to move on...

But I hear what you're saying, esp. in your situation!