Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mysterious ways

They say that God works in mysterious ways. I agree with this. Some things really do happen for a reason, be they crazy, sad, weird, happy, whatever.

I think that sometimes God creates natural disasters to "help" him in his work. I'm not saying that God is a killer. Yes, he takes lives, but only for a reason. There have been certain natural disasters as of late, which have killed thousands of people. I tend to believe that maybe it is a form of population control? I don't want to sound like I'm not playing with a full deck.

I'm not some holy-roller that believes that everything is some divine message. And I'm not advocating violence and death. But you've gotta wonder...especially when people say "how could God let this happen?" Well, he did and it was for SOME reason...maybe there were just too many people...?

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