Thursday, May 22, 2008

Uh oh.

Mrs. Owner came in this morning, and she's usually only here MWF.

She comes over to my desk (oh no....) and is all chatty.

She wants to take me out to lunch (OH NO!) after they (most of the upper peeps here) get back from a trade show on the other side of the country.

Ummmm, okay.

I really want to like her. I really do. I think I could learn a lot from her. I don't know what is preventing me from letting my guard down, just a bit, with her.

I think it was all of the past BS that went on here.

Made me freak out a bit about talking to her too much. Or maybe it was her own freak outs that caused me to keep my distance

I don't know.

Ha, should I tell her that DH and I never used their (Mr & Mrs Owner's) wedding gift because when we got to Hawaii my company credit card had expired? LOL

(They called me the day before the wedding, all sorry that they didn't get me anything, and wanted me to charge a nice dinner on the CC. That was a funny night, when I handed the waiter my card and he came right back saying it had expired. WHOOOOPS.)

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