Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I have some good news that I forgot to share!

I HAVE TOMATOES FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not big ones, not red ones...but tiny-to-small-sized tomatoes. I was excited a few weeks ago to see the buds starting, but when I went out the other day to water them and actually saw GREEN BALLS, it was amazing!

I can't WAIT for them to keep growing and for them to turn red!

(Yes, this means that I'm allowed to keep my plants--they are on the back deck, but they can stay! I have an awesome landlord who went to bat for me with the condo board.)

The image I've used here is NOT from my plants. My growth isn't this big, yet, but it's a good stand-in.

1 comment:

illinigirl said...

Exciting!!! I heart tomatoes! :)