Saturday, July 26, 2008

Meeting people and keeping in touch

Hah, two posts in one day from me! Even though I really need to shower and go to the grocery store...

I was reading through Illini_girl's blog just now...and it struck me. She knows a lot of people and keeps in touch with so many! Actually, this struck me before, just never had the gumption to write about it. (or am I just procrastinating instead of getting OFF of the couch!?)

I wonder why it's so easy for some people to keep in touch, but not for others? I always thought I did a good job in the past, or at least it seemed that way. Did I really though? I only talk to 2 people from childhood/HS. When college first started, I thought I did well at keeping in touch, but I guess not. Maybe the other people just got busy? Who knows? I went to Girls State in HS and I met a really cool group there...and we wrote for a bit, but then the letters stopped even though I kept writing. Again, it didn't work.

I think about my college friends--I only had a group of 5 (6 counting me) and two of them have just about fallen off of the face of the earth. I don't get it. I tried and tried, and to me, friendship is a two way street. I'm not really mad at anyone, just disappointed. I mean, when the two moms can keep in touch more than two single gotta wonder ;-) Perhaps they've moved on and found "new lives" and I haven't?

I've only made one real grown up friend (meaning: I didn't use school to meet them) and I feel really weird at times, because I don't have a group or even really another couple to invite over to hang out with DH and me.

Work has cliques and perhaps I'm better off staying neutral, especially if I might be promoted to manager or something. But it sucks. The one girl who I was getting tight with--she got fired and now I'm doing her stuff! I have very little social interaction at work. It's a small company, mostly men, and the girls who do work there were all friends with each other in college! WTF?

Most of the time, this stuff doesn't bother me, and I just go about my merry way and do my work and go home...but sometimes it's lonely. Sometimes it'd be nice to have someone to eat lunch with or gossip about the boss with.

There's a part of me that wonders if I've blogged about this before, and if I have, my apologies. Obviously it's still bothering me. :-P

But what is it that some people just want to keep in touch with others? Very interesting question. I better go shower now. lol


and1grad said...

Hey gw,
I hear you on how hard it is to keep in contact these days and I agree with you that it needs to be a 2 way street. Otherwise, I'm not sure its worth it. Dont beat yourself up about it. It happens to the best of us.

illinigirl said...

crud. I wrote a long post for my blog to respond to your post as not to clog up your comments. . . BUT wordpress is being DUMB. . . so I'll have to post later or tomorrow!

girlwednesday said...

Ha, please don't worry about clogging up my comments!

A+ said...

But what is it that some people just want to keep in touch with others?

Good question--something I still wonder.

I think part of it is, that as we grow up, we remain more in touch with people of similar lifestyles. After I got married, when most of my friends weren't married, I lost touch with a lot of people. Not because I ditched them for my new husband, but because they felt they couldn't relate to me. Recently those friends have become engaged/married, and now it seems we're on more equal playing fields... and so it's been easier to keep in touch.

Nobody tells you about the reality of making friends after college. In high school and college you make friends with your classmates, the people you live with, the clubs you are a part of...

But when there are no roommates or classmates or clubs, what do you do? Wish I had the answer!

girlwednesday said...

Crazy A--well, you know all of those people as well as I do, so you tell me ;) Esp. when you and B, with families, can keep in touch, but others have just disappeared, despite attempts at reconnecting.

I tell myself it's NOT ME, but it still feels weird, ya know?

Ahhhhh, I need to stop obsessing.