Friday, August 15, 2008

Our microwave is possessed!

The other night, as we sat down for dinner, our microwave turned on. No joke. It looked like someone was pushing the "beverage reheat" button. I got up and pushed the "stop" button. It went back on, doing the same thing...DH and I looked at each other, thinking WTF???? So then I went back to the microwave and opened the door, thinking that maybe it would stop the madness. Nope, the same thing kept going on--the buttons were being pushed by "something." Finally, DH got up and ripped the plug out of the wall.

Now we need a new microwave. This upset me since our microwave is only 6 years old. My parents have had the same one since I was 10 or 12! I guess they don't make things like they used to, lol.

Tomorrow we have to go buy a new one. This should be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Jen, our newer microwave does that too. I don't know why, but we still have it. I just unplug it when I'm not using it.

girlwednesday said...

REALLY? Damn. I told my mom about what happened and she was like "GET RID OF IIIIIIT!!!!!!! Electrical fire!!!!!!"

So we're going to Bernie's in a few minutes to check them out. Oy vey.