Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I hardly remember my dreams. It's like I wake up and all memories of me sleeping are gone.

Anyway, the past few weeks, I've been dreaming about my paternal grandmother. Who has been dead for 16 years as of yesterday. It's weird. I can't explain WHY I've been dreaming about her. Is she trying to tell me something from beyond the grave? I guess there could be some psychoanalysis type of reasoning for my dreaming about her, especially since we were not close, and I do have some unresolved issues with/from her...but sheesh.

Mostly the dreams revolve around her I'm at my grandparents' house, and everyone's telling me to come see her (FWIW, she died in the hospital).

I'm not creeped out by the death's just weird, that all of a sudden, I'm dreaming about something like this.

1 comment:

and1grad said...

You should write down everything that you can remember from the dream and analyze it. Even if you come up with nothing, it can be kind of an entertaining activity.