Sunday, April 26, 2009

Something else

As a point of clarification on the "don't tell me to have a baby" thing.

Before I forget, I wanted to say that my therapist was the one who told me that things would change when DH and I had kids--that we'd meet people that way. I might have blogged about this before, but I'm SOOOOO against my children being a crutch for my socializing! If I meet people b/c I have a baby or child, sure that's fine, but I don't want my kid being my sole way to meet people. That's not fair to anyone!

On another note, I'm doing a bit better. I did some chores--laundry, dishes, cleaned a bit, studied for my final on Wednesday, talked with DH outside and relaxed. I think I just need to keep busy. DH suggested that I do some kind of physical activity--it'd be good for body and mind. I agree.

So...what should I do!?!?


Unknown said...

I haven't met a lot of people since having a baby. It seems all the "Mommy & Me" type groups are either geared to SAHM's (hello, I WORK during the week) or to people with older kids. (I can't take an infant to the local kiddie amusement park and such). I also find I attract the weirdos too. For example, in the pediatrician's office...........they all seem to find me. As for the puppy.........I just let me dogs run around in the backyard now LOL. It's so much easier. Call me lazy but oh well....

girlwednesday said...

LOL I'm lazy too. I think being busy does that to us all. I don't necessarily think my therapist was right on the "it'll change when you have kids" theory, either. And a dog is a big responsibility too!

Or, maybe I should just call up random strangers, as has been recommended to me? ;-)