Saturday, July 18, 2009

Many thanks...

to those who saw my good news on here and sent me comments. Thanks for listening and commenting and for all of the thoughts and prayers and contacts that were sent over these past 16+ months...

It's been a long and rough road, but we're finally on our way.

For the deets:

DH will be a case manager for an alternative incarceration center about 45 mins away from us (in the opposite direction from my job, of course :P). His last job was at an AIC, but this is a higher position. This job has more pre-trial clients, whereas his last company was with post-trial/post-prison clients, so there's more hope when they are pre-trial. Sad but true.

A little less money than he was making at his old job, but he's not being picky, and they actually gave him more than the position was being paid b/c of his experience. Still it's a JOB and it's MONEY so we do not care. He starts August 3 and it's biz casual so we have to go shopping, hahahaha. (He haaaates shopping and haaaates wearing biz casual--he's a jeans and T OR a suit and tie guy.)

The schedule is a little tricky, but we knew this before he accepted. He'll be working Tues, Wed, Thurs and Sat from 9-5, and Fri 12-8. Sun and Mon off. But we'll make it work, we've been through much much worse. Now I just have to tell my coworker that he can't go to her wedding, after we've already sent in the RSVP....

We've already decided that Sunday will be our "family" day and that we won't do much but spend time with each other, even if it's just Mass and grocery shopping and hanging around our place. Speaking of "place" we'll be starting the house-hunt around September. So exciting!!!!!


Unknown said...

That's so awesome. I'm sure you guys will work out the schedule. I have actually gotten used to M working most Saturdays and it's fine because it's down time for me to get things done, hang out with the baby, etc.

girlwednesday said...

SO many people have said something similar, like "oh you'll each get a 'me' day!" At first, I thought that was bad, but now I'm not so sure ;-) I think I'll like having a "day off"--plus, my job is so flexible, that if we wanted to go away for an overnight or needed to do something together on a Monday, I can take a day off w/out any problems.