Sunday, July 12, 2009

School news

Some of you might have noticed the new list on the right hand side...I needed to put my school to-do list in plain sight, because I was getting a bit overwhelmed and afraid I might forget something.

I have to take a semester off. The MLS program that I'm applying to has two dates for admissions--Sept 1 and March 1. I won't make the Sept 1 deadline, sadly. If I didn't take the summer course I'm in right now, I would have made it. I need to take the GRE again, and since it's been almost 10 years since I last took it (YIKES!) I really need to study that stuff. Especially since there's a new section that wasn't there the last time...I can't do that in a few weeks (I'd need to take it by mid-August to ensure that the scores are reported to the school in time.

This summer has suddenly become busy with a few bridal showers and weddings to attend, so that hampers things. Work is also super busy, so between working, socializing, and wrapping up this summer class, I think I have my hands full!

The plan is to use the fall to get my academic "shizz" together--ask for recommendations, study for the GRE, etc (you can see my progress on the to-do list to your right) and I'll apply for the March 1 deadline. I'll take a class in the spring while I await my decision and go from there...

Why not take one in the fall while I'm working on my other stuff? Ha, good question. The MLS program does not allow non-matriculated students to take more than 9 credits (3 classes) before they are accepted, so that definitely throws a wrench into my progress through the program. If I take one in the fall while working on my other stuff, I'll have to take the spring off and then I wouldn't be doing anything but waiting, so I figured it was better to spread myself out.

While I'm not really pleased that I dropped the ball and lost track of time, it will be OK. A very good friend of mine had to do the same thing when she was in the program--for a different reason, and then she later doubled up on classes to finish quicker. Of course my grand plan is after DH finds a job and I'm accepted, to find a part time library job, quit my full time job and take more classes. But we'll see how that goes, especially these days.


kcjayhawk said...

i like the "panic if either says no" on the sidebar. lol.

illinigirl said...

I love that you worked "panicking" into your to-do list, as well. . . :)

girlwednesday said...

LOL!!! I will panic if either say no...I've been out of college for too long, so I can't ask any former professors there.