Saturday, March 15, 2008

Some more about me, if you don't already know.

Like I said in my little sidebar bio located to your right, I am a newly married twenty something. WHOO HOO, give me a cookie!!!!

I also should tell you I am pretty sarcastic and like to joke around, with a nice dash of self-deprecating humor thrown into the mix.

I am female.

I live in a New England state that has a coastline (and before any of you smarties say that all of New England is on the coast, you're wrong. Vermont is land-locked.). I've always lived here, except for the 4 years I went to college in another New England state...and the roughly 6 months I spent in yet another New England state, living in "the big city" trying my hand being a professional academic and clothes-whore. Both which left me pretty strapped for cash! haha

I have a job. While I would love to be a SAHKM (stay at home kitty mom) that' s just not in the cards right now. Maybe not ever. I do enjoy my job, most days, and I'm finally finding that there are jobs out there that are enjoyable enough and pay enough. All of my post-college jobs have involved books, and that's all I'll say about my current position.

I am trying to "find myself." Yeah, clever, right? I'm finally getting over the wedding high and the post-wedding blues and thinking, "okay, what next?" Most newlyweds either buy a house or have a baby. Neither of those are options for DH and I right now. For several reasons of which I assure you, dear reader, will make for many blog entries down the road.

This has been my life since college. Live in big city. Move back to hometown. Work at famous university for 2.5 mind-numbing years. Meet DH somewhere during that time (almost 1 year into that job). DH gets into pretty bad accident. All life is put on hold while he recuperates, almost to 100%, thank God. I try grad school again for some time, decide it's really not for me. Quit mind-numbing job to take a very low-paying job at a small company, but it's the perfect job for me and my interests. Stay there almost 1.5 years. DH and I get engaged, suddenly realize I need to grow up and make MONEY! I look for a new job, find current (better paying) position. A year into that job, DH and I get hitched (Sept 07). Go to HAWAII on our honeymoon. Consider never coming back except we like our cars and we have 3 cats who miss us. Ooops. Then the holidays come. Now here we are in weird March.

As you see, I've always been on this constant roller-coaster of life. Now I'm at this stand-still. What do I do with myself? I am content in my job (for at least another year or so). No house yet. No babies yet.

During this time that I've been out of college, I haven't really branched out and made any new social networks. I was quasi-lazy and I depended on my friends who stayed in the hometown or close by...but over the past few years, it's obvious that we have all changed. It's sad, but it's reality. Some were just natural grow-aparts, some were fights, some were...I don't know. My friends from college live far away now and have their own lives. I miss them, but again, it's reality. There's no ill-will or's just time and distance and SOs and kids and jobs and life.

I need some friends, some things to do. I love DH very much, but some times you just need some girlfriends. It is HARD to meet people when you are out of school. I've only made one real friend post-college. My friend C. I am lazy at times and I don't like to do the dirty work and get shy and anxious and all of that. If I want friends and want to be social, I have to bite the bullet and get out there.

I also need to improve myself. Since college, I've gained about 70 lbs total. Gross. I am in danger of becoming a statistic. NO THANK YOU. I am smarter than that. I recently joined a gym and have been going at least 3x a week. Tomorrow is my 3rd weigh-in. Lets see if I lose any weight. I am also trying to change my eating habits. This is hard, esp. when DH is a FOODIE and an excellent cook. I was always a pretty good eater, but got lazy after some time...and I met DH and was like "oooh he likes me! I can get FAT now!" j/k

So that's the inside--diet, exercise, and a therapy session now and then to work on my anxiety--which both fuels me and hinders me.

Outside--I need to work on the social aspect, as I mentioned up-entry. I also need to work on my hobbies and interests. I used to read all.of.the.time. but not so much anymore. I have begun reading at the gym. I also am really crafty--needlework, beading, sewing. I dabble in a lot of things. I started working on this needlepoint wall hanging thing that I had started a few years ago and let fall to the wayside. It's nice to see my progress. Then there are things I want to learn how to do, like more about gardening. We rent a condo with a small deck on the back, so I can grow plants in pots. I would love to have some fresh tomatoes this summer!

The outside is more about personal enrichment, I think.

Okay, that's enough for now. It's 4pm and DH and I have dinner reservations for a belated birthday dinner at 6. Time to shower and get pretty.

Editing to add: One more thing. DH recently got laid off from his hell-hole of a job, so that will definitely be discussed here often, since it impacts both of us. But we're trying to look at the bright side of things.


Unknown said...

Hey you, glad to see you here!

A+ said...

Love your blog! You said so many things in this entry that I can relate to. All I can say is ENJOY the calm of no kids, no house-buying. LOL!