Friday, November 14, 2008

Jury Duty

Some of you already know this...but yesterday I had jury duty. Annnnnnd I was selected for a jury which begins today. So I will be out of work through the middle of next week (should be a 4 or 5 day civil trial). My boss is not pleased, but what can I do? If I don't show up, I could be away from worker in arrested and charged with contempt of court. Not good! I'm trying to stay on top of things as much as I can at night and over this weekend, but we'll see. DH thinks I'm crazy for doing work at night/weekends but this is my job. I can't just be like "oh well, whatever." And, it's not as if my boss does my stuff while I'm gone. So whatever isn't done...literally doesn't get done. But I think that DH should go in my place--he's not working! Ironic.

Part of me is pleased that I was picked...I think it'll be an interesting learning experience. I'm a dork! DH said that I got picked because I'm smart and well-educated. Um, and too honest! Catholic guilt or what? ;-)

Must be a family thing, because my mom was picked awhile back, but didn't have to serve--the case settled out of court at the 11th hour. As I need to be at court in less than 2 hours, I'm thinking the trial is ON like Donkey Kong.

This is funny to me and other local people, but when I entered the courtroom and saw the defendant's attorney, I wanted to laugh. He's a well-known lawyer who does a lot of high-profile cases. So well-known that when I said that exact phrase to my psychologist last night, she said his name immediately. Since we were in the confidentiality of a therapy appointment, I said yes. Hahahaha.

I will be back later to chronicle my first day on the jury.


and1grad said...

I went through jury duty something like 5 years ago. I thought it was pretty cool. Wouldnt mind doing it.

Your hubby's right about you being crazy to work at night.

girlwednesday said...

I wouldn't mind doing it again, either. It IS pretty cool.

illinigirl said...

I've never done jury duty. . . other than a mock jury duty for the law school when I was college. :)

I would also likely work at night and on the weekend to catch up. . . Not totally crazy. ;) (Yeah, I like to justify my own insanity like that).