Saturday, April 19, 2008

A bit better

Whatever funk I was in has seemed to pass. I started cleaning off the deck, in anticipation of planting things in my pots. I emptied all of the leaves out of the pots and flipped them over to drain and dry out. Pretty soon, I can get some kind of flowers or something to put in them, and I have the potting soil I need. I also need to figure out how to separate my aloe plant. It's HUGE! I need to put the babies in smaller pots.

Today, I'm off to RI to see my roomie from college (B) and her kids! I is almost 3 now and A is 6.5 months (I think?). I should know this since he was born the day before my wedding, lol. I bet they are huge! I haven't seen them since late October, at A's baptism. It's going to be gorgeous out so we might go to our old college and walk around. Ha!

Have a great day!


A+ said...

Hope you had a great day!!

girlwednesday said...

I did! OMG the kids are soooo freaking cute.

I is a chatterbox and is so smart. She was my new best friend, and only wanted ME to put her in her car seat and hold MY hand and sit next to ME at lunch, LOL. I coughed, she coughed. I had an itch on my arm, so did she.

A is so sweet and looks just like his daddy. Very happy baby and a flirt!