Friday, April 4, 2008

You are what you eat.

DH and I talked about my weight stuff and my food...he pointed out that I do have a tendency to snack, especially at night. The "indulgences" at work do not help, either.

I have started writing down everything that goes into my mouth, just to have a record so that when the scale goes up, I don't think "what happened???" The proof will be right there.

For now, I'm planning on being "good" for breakfast, lunch and snacks, and then for dinner I can have what I want. "Good" means low carb, high protein, lots of veggies and dairy...the way I'm "supposed" to eat. If that doesn't help me lose anything, then I'll re-evaluate the dinner options. Of course, I'll be stepping it up more at the gym, too.


In other news, DH is feeling a bit better. He realized he has cabin fever and just needs to get out of the house more. He went to his dad's yesterday for a few hours and they worked on their fishing gear and attempted to go fishing. Too many OTHER fishermen made their favorite spot pretty crowded, so they gave up, but DH said it was still good to just get out. Now that the weather is getting REALLY nice, I think there will be more opportunities. Yay!

Tonight, we're actually going out and SOCIALIZING. No joke. My friend from high school, K and her husband, invited us over to play games. DH finds her husband boring, but he's actually willing to go, lol.

I picked up another plant book at the library yesterday. I really need to buckle down and read them/take notes this weekend.

I think work might get even more busy for me. A coworker got brought into the office of Mr. Owner with Bossman and HR. She's in quasi-big trouble, but part of me feels that she did some of it to herself. She opened her mouth, now she has to deal with the consequences of speaking out. I think they might be taking some of her work and giving it to me/my department. I need an assistant.

But on a cooler note, I get to go to a beach-side resort two states away for a trade show next month! Very exciting!


A+ said...

Have you ever tried SparkPeople? I use it to track my meals and my workouts (not to lose weight, just more of an awareness thing). I LOVE it. I suggest you check it out. It's pretty easy to use!

girlwednesday said...

LMAO I had used it for awhile about 2 years ago! Too funny! I still get the emails from them, too.

Unknown said...

Cool about the plant stuff. My mom got me a bunch of starter herb and vegetable kits so I have them on my kitchen counter now. Hopefully they will grow and survive so we can transfer them outside.

girlwednesday said...

Oooh, good luck with your little garden. It's still too cold out to do anything, here. It gets warmer during the day, and I'm so tempted, but then the nights are still really chilly.