Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm having a hard time...

keeping up with this thing! It's not that I don't want to write, or don't care to write, it's just, graaaah, how do you find enough hours in the day to do everything!?

Work is still going super well. Had lunch w/ Bossman yesterday to celebrate my raise. It feels SO good to have your work and what you do NOT go unnoticed. A year ago, things here were sooooooo different, as some of you may recall. I got out of Siberia and now there is talk of me moving on even farther upward. Fabulous!

DH has a meeting about a job tomorrow. He applied the "old fashioned" way, with a cover letter, resume and then he had to include this written statement thing about why he wants to work in the field that the job falls under. OK, fine. I proofed it for him, it was really good. He got a letter in the mail last week about a meeting to do a problem-solving test (very important in his field) and to write another statement. This is progress! He's not 100% thrilled with this job (it's for the federal gov't, he'd rather work for the state gov't) but it's SOMETHING. He's got about 20 applications out there right now, for mostly state jobs, but some federal ones too.

I've been writing down everything that I've been eating, and so far, so good. Haven't seen any weight loss yet, but the fact that I'm writing is good because I'm managing to stay in control of what I put in my mouth. Been limiting the sugar and starches that enter my mouth as well.

That's my biggest downfall and what also helps the weight come off easiest, for me. I know some people are really anti-low-carb diets, but for me, carbs are my trigger (what gets me to overeat) and when I eliminate them almost completely, I manage to lose a lot of weight. With my PCOS and blood sugar issues, it's a healthy way for ME to treat MY body. It's NOT for everyone. And don't worry, I'm not subsisting on steak and eggs. I eat PLENTY of veggies and dairy and some fruit.

This blog is starting to get into a same old, same old pattern, so I'd better think of some interesting topics to come up with...and SOON!


A+ said...

Hahaha. I was thinking the same thing. "My blog is getting blah and depressing."

I googled "100 things to blog about" or something like that and got some great ideas I plan on trying.

girlwednesday said...

Oooh. I need to do that!