Saturday, April 12, 2008


I love and hate Saturdays. It seems like I should relax and enjoy my day off, but at the same time, I often feel like I should race around and get as much stuff done as possible, because it's my day off.

I hate that divisiveness!

There is something I have to do today--dusting and vacuuming of the upstairs. The geniuses DH and I are, we left the windows open the other day, and the condo peeps decided to take off the shingles on our roof and replace them. Well. Guess who's office and bathroom are now sprinkled with a brownish-red dust? Thank GOD they didn't do the other side of our unit, where our bedroom is. I could NOT imagine sleeping in a dirty, yucky room like that. I wish I could get myself together enough to take pics of it and load 'em here, just to show you how gross it is. The cats even sniffed it and ran!

It's almost 1pm, and I'll I've done since about 9:30 is write a check for DH's dr's appt, cleaned all the old food out of the fridge, emptied and reloaded the dishwasher, cleaned out the microwave, cleaned the counters and stove top, cleaned out the "junk" drawer in the kitchen...and I still have to get to the gym. Ugh. My goal was to get there 4x this week, and I did get there Monday, Tuesday, that means I gotta go today or I don't meet my goal.

Here's a cleaning out the microwave tip for y'all. I read this on the back of the bottle of ReaLemon (the lemon juice stuff). You take a 1/2 cup of the stuff and put it in a microwave-safe dish/bowl/whatever. Put it in the microwave for 3-5 mins, and voila! The steam from the lemon juice helps get all the gunk off of the microwave. You just wipe it clean! And the juice does reduce about halfway AND it gets all brownish. So you know it did something, haha. Plus, the lemon juice is a much safer alternative than chemical products.

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