Thursday, March 19, 2009

I've got my hand out, here....

and I'm asking for all the thoughts, prayers, good vibes, rain dances, crossed fingers, whatever for my DH.

He's had a bunch of interviews lately, and some phone calls expressing interest in interviewing him (just nailing down dates/times), and even one offer(!)* so we're moving in the right direction, but we're not there JUST yet. This is better than we could have expected, and we'd just like someone to decide on him. Usually people ask for "good stuff" when things are going I'm changing it up and asking for the "good stuff" to help this awesome streak of luck to continue.

Thanks in advance everyone!

* the offer--it was for a company that sounded good, but when DH inquired about their liability insurance (as he'd be transporting clients in his own car), they got very weird and weren't fully answering his/our questions. We looked into buying supplemental insurance to cover our butts, since our auto insurance company would not cover DH while using his car at work, but that was impossible. When DH asked the HR woman about a certain type of insurance and that our insurance company recommended any employer having this, she got very defensive and said "you really should NOT be calling your insurance company about this stuff." That was enough for us. DH declined the offer. Besides, it wasn't really what he wanted to do (population-wise). The interviews he's had since then have been more along the lines of what he's done and wants to continue doing.


A+ said...

You've got it, girl. Things seem to be moving on our end slowly but surely as well. Here's to hoping (for BOTH of us!)!

girlwednesday said...

Thank you!!!!!!

And of course, I'll gladly reciprocate for you guys ;-)

Unknown said...

It's probably good he declined that offer. I've heard of some really bad things happening to employees who work with my population who have transported clients in their personal vehicle. I refuse to do it. It sucks for some clients who lack access to public transportation, but I am not losing my house over my job!

girlwednesday said...

Yeah, the amount of stress it was causing the two of us made the decision for us, pretty much. It's crazy. He also spoke w/ his former boss, who told him some horror stories about clients suing that org.

The HR chick was also like "if you plan your day accordingly, maybe you can use one of our vehicles." WHAT?!