Monday, March 16, 2009

Wow, this memory came out of nowhere...

This morning, while driving to work, I remembered something that happened in college almost 10 years ago. Had completely forgotten about it... My friends from college who read this blog (A+ and Learning Stuff) might remember, but they weren't involved.

I don't remember if it was junior or senior year, but...I, uh, borrowed? an athletic department van/bus and drove it (probably illegally) to my aunt's house (she lived about 20 minutes away) to pick up a couch that she didn't want anymore, so that my friends (editors of the yearbook) could have it for their office.

L and K, the editors, expressed interest in the couch that my aunt was going to get rid of. But no one, including my aunt and uncle, had a vehicle big enough to transport it. I guess anyone who was an editor or president of a club was eligible to borrow a van for short term use. This was also right before the fall semester started--we'd all moved back to campus early for our various clubs and orgs.

One of the editors, L, went and got the keys from the athletic department. But both L and K were too scared to drive the van. So I said I'd do it--I was going with them since it was my aunt's house. I don't think I was allowed to drive, I wasn't an editor, I didn't sign out the van, but I did it anyway. It was the weirdest, yet coolest, thing...the van was HUGE and you sat way up high. To date, this was the biggest vehicle I've driven.

So while I was driving to work, I remembered that drive from campus to my aunt's house and feeling invincible about it all...and it didn't even occur to me, until NOW, how badly it could have turned out for me and my friends. Yay for being dumb and impulsive! LOL

Then I thought about how hard it was getting the couch into the van.

Why was it so hard? Oh yeah, the van had bench seats. Duh, it was a passenger van! My friend and I and my aunt tried to get the couch in, by having the couch "sit" on top of the backs of the benches (if that makes any sense). It didn't fit.

Then we noticed that each row/bench sort of "buckled" in the van's floor. Then someone had the brilliant idea to take out the seats.

Okay, let's take out the seats. That was harder than it looked. We had to call my cousin (not my aunt's son) , who lived across the street (and coincidentally worked for my college's athletic department!) to help us get the seats out. Finally, we figure out how to get the couch in, throw the seats BACK in (on top of the couch) and ride back to campus.

One other thing--this happened at the very end of August and it was still pretty hot. I don't think the van had AC. So we were a hot mess.

We get back to campus and lug the couch to the yearbook office. But after that, I don't remember what happened to the van, or if someone put the seats back where they were supposed

I seriously hadn't thought about this until this morning. Good times.


illinigirl said...

This reminds me of something we did in college that I blogged about on myspace. . . where one "solution" to a problem leads to another problem. My story ended with a friend in the hospital with a broken leg. All over something SO dumb!

Good thing we all had so much time on our hands back in the day to deal with this stuff!

girlwednesday said...

Hahahah I know!