Monday, March 30, 2009

This blog might just turn into a hair blog...


Just some quick updates, it's a busy Monday morning at work.

No washing, the hair looked pretty clean from Friday. I did brush with my boar's bristle brush, which helped move the oils down the hair shaft. Everything looked pretty good, and I kept it pulled back with a headband.

Washed with BS/water and rinsed with ACV. Let it air dry, without ANY product...and then promptly ran off to Mass (as in church, not the state). Holy mother! By the time it dried, it was POUFY. And a tiny bit frizzy, but that could be chalked up to the rainy weather.

When I woke up, the pouffiness (sp?) was gone, but it was sticking out in funny ways. Yay having wavy hair. So I rinsed with plenty of water, and added teensy amount of conditioner (Tresemme something or other) to the lower parts of my hair. Blew it dry w/out product--looks shiny and bouncy, w00t!

Some interesting observations:
1) When I let it air-dry on Sunday, it dried SUPER fast.

2) It took longer to blow dry this AM. I don't know if it was b/c I added conditioner today or I kept it wrapped in a towel until I was ready to blow dry (no air really got to the hair) and it's still kinda damp. Could be the weather, who knows.

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