Monday, March 2, 2009

Okay kids...

I know it's been almost 2 months since I've written anything here. My bad.

So what's been going on in the world of GirlWednesday?

1. I started school. Taking my first class towards my masters in library science. Not too bad, but it is kinda boring. Yay for intro classes. I'm trying to figure out the fastest way for me to get this degree done, but not so fast that I have no time for anything else, or get stressed out or something.

2. DH is still unemployed. He's had some interviews over the past two weeks, but either the job is TOO shady (like using his own car and insurance to transport people--YIKES) or the job won't be open for another year...mayyyybe. (Side note: who the heck interviews someone only to tell them that???) We're almost at one year of unemployment.

3. I still have a job, but I've lost 6 coworkers in the past 6 weeks. (Not one per week.) They did a round of layoffs (4 people) in mid-January, and then two more people were cut on Friday. My department was cut in half during the first round. Sheesh. Things are slow--less deadlines, less things being asked of me...I'm scared, but I'm hoping that everything will turn out for the best.

4. Diet and exercise have been...ehhhh. I'm thinking about trying Weight Watchers. I don't know what the heck to do about fitting in my exercise, esp. with school and work, but we'll see. The gym bag is always packed and ready to go...

Things I am looking forward to...

1. Being done with my class and taking another one this summer. Note to self: register already!

2. Starting a garden. I talked with my mom yesterday and I'm going to start one over at my parents' house. They have a huge yard and my mom already has a vegetable garden plowed out, so the soil just needs to be tilled and planted. My mom won't be around much over the summer, as my aunt is having hip replacement surgery (she's not even 50!!!!) and mom will be helping to take care of her.

3. Working better on diet/exercise.

4. I'm also attempting to live simpler, so we'll see how that goes.

Hopefully it won't be another 2 months before you hear from me again! I think blogger is now unblocked at my job ;-)


illinigirl said...

Woo hoo!!! You're back! :)

A+ said...

We live in parallel worlds, me thinks. Our work did a 2nd round of layoffs on Friday, too, except it was 10 people. *sigh* They also cut 401K matching and froze raises... not cool!

girlwednesday said...

Haha, blogger is totally NOT blocked here!

A--ugh, I'm sorry...I'm glad you're still safe though. We got small raises back in November, thank God, but we've never had a 401k match. I guess that's good though--one less thing to take from us?