Monday, March 16, 2009

Something that popped into my mind recently...

Are DH and I the only people who are married and don't have kids yet? I know of a few other couples who don't have any yet...but I know them more peripherally.

I'm talking about people who are close friends...most of them had their first baby within the first year to 18 months of marriage. Most (but not all!) are also religious...which probably explains why they had kids so soon... [Some were a bit older (mid-thirties) and didn't want to wait too long.]

But DH and I are religious too.

As I've said before, here and other places, we just want to wait a bit and we're in no real shape or form to be parents right now. I don't know if it's just a trend I'm noticing only because it's on my mind, or if it's really true. People probably really don't notice or care, but I often wonder if people think "oooh, they've been married 18 months, where's the baby?" Especially at church.

DH and I are having some guilt issues about using BC right now, and we both feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Maybe some of these thoughts come from that guilt?


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