Monday, March 30, 2009

Stop the presses! A non-hair post.

I am a huge procrastinator, and along with this, I am often late. You'd think, being almost 30 years old, I'd have learned how to deal with this better, to be more organized, to plan ahead, etc.


[I do have to point out that I was never the queen of all-nighters. That title goes to my college roomie, K. She would be up all night, in our dining room with her laptop and a stack of books, writing research papers. I did plan somewhat ahead for those, partly because I had a desktop computer, and it would not have been fair to my immediate roomie, B.]

When it comes to work stuff, I have gotten somewhat better, by plotting out my next week on Friday afternoons, sending out a lot of emails for collaborative tasks, working on things in small amounts each day. That's good, except when I plan ahead SO much that we have plenty of time to submit things, and OTHER PEOPLE decide to change up my stuff up until the last minute. (Another post for another day *sigh*)

When it comes to my grad school assignments, I am infamous for doing things the night before they are due. I think this comes from being out of the school grind for so long, and having other things to do in my life! This weekend, I set off for my town's library to work on an annotated bibliography for a paper that I have to write. The paper's not due until the end of the semester (next month!) but the professor wants to see our annotated bibliography first. Fine.

I'd been searching for a few days, on and off, and not finding much while looking at home, probably because of the mass amount of distractions in our home. So Sunday afternoon, after Mass and errands, I went to the library. I'm plugging along, loving the fact that I can access school's databases in the "comfort" of my own library (it's only 1.8 miles from my house vs. the 10+ to school), finding a ton of things to support my thesis, saving the sources, etc.

I then decide to plot out the rest of my week, before I go to class on Wednesday, so that I'll have time to do the assigned reading and write up my annotated bibliography. I pull out the syllabus just to see which chapters in our books I'll need to read.

And then I see it. The due date for this annotated bibliography.

It's NEXT week--April 8. Not THIS week--April 1.

I'm actually ahead on something. I started laughing out loud, in the "quiet" area of the library. I couldn't help it.

Of course, I'm not really done. I still have to read through some of these sources, and write the actual annotated bibliography, but I couldn't get over the fact that I had gotten the dates wrong, and had a jump start on my paper! I'll still have this coming weekend to get my stuff together. I wouldn't mind starting the actual writing early, as it'll take me awhile to write it and get it exactly how I want it.

I'm still shaking my head...

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